March 1, 2024

March 15th, 2024

min read

  • Updated pagination styling in Reports app (Beta).
  • Corrected Reports app (Beta) for users to unsubscribe from scheduled reports. 
  • Replaced modals with updated components.
  • Updated report filters to be seen within a modal rather than on a new page. 
  • Added a modal when a user chooses to change filters for a report already run.
  • Updated components in Reports (Beta) to be visually consistent across all features.
  • Fixed discrepancies between times on reports run in-browser and times on reports delivered via email for Completed Inspections Report scheduled in Reports (Beta).
  • Updated Reports app to no longer show reports in Reports Library if that app is “turned off” by property.
  • Added sorting dependencies by the sort arrows within the Report app column headers.
  • Updated view for users to search for Reports on the Scheduled page and sort the Scheduled Reports table by column.
  • Added viewing and adjusting filters for already scheduled reports.
  • Added Google Translate to translate report outputs to the language the user has selected on their account page.
  • Fixed the Most Recent section of the Reports Library to default to collapse.
  • Updated translations for phrases and words that exist for localized languages that were not appearing in Reports (Beta).
  • Fixed an issue when scheduling multiple of the same reports in quick succession in Reports (Beta).
  • Added a modal rather than open a new page for report filters.
  • Fixed Connect welcome messages not delivering when scheduled on a delay.
  • Added option to ‘Select All’ or ‘None’ for properties when editing a user.
  • Fixed error message on Details Page for uploaded items that uploaded correctly.

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