Sincerely, Quore: Behind the Letters
Quore wouldn’t be where it is today without our amazing customers. Beyond the loyalty of simply using our products, our customers inspire us every day with their dedication to hospitality—especially now, in a time when we’ve all had to rapidly respond and adapt to a new way of guest service. We’ve seen our customers going above and beyond their daily duties in the name of hospitality, showing up every day to greet guests and keep their hotel teams healthy and safe.
In a time of so much change, when we’ve all been adjusting to new ways of working and operating, we wanted to do something to honor our customers and show them how much they truly inspire us. Our commitment to hospitality starts with our users—the hotel teams who utilize our solutions every day to make guests feel “at home” when they can’t be in their own homes. That’s why we set out to do something tangible for our users, to give them something they could hold in their hands, in a time when contactless communication is necessary for health and safety.
Sincerely, Written with Care
There’s really nothing quite like a handwritten letter. As much as we love the digital age, reducing paper and streamlining processes, we know the power of the written word. We get emails, calls and comments from our customers every week, saying “thanks” and telling us what they love about our tools and our team. Those messages lift our spirits and remind us why we do what we do—and we wanted to do the same for them.
We see our customers working long hours, following extra health and safety procedures, going above and beyond for their teams and their guests. That’s what inspires us and we wanted to make sure that our customers knew that. We let them know that we acknowledge what they’re doing, and that motivates us to keep working hard to make their jobs easier.
So our team sat down at our desks, our coffee tables, our kitchen counters, and we wrote letters to our customers; we joined each other on video calls and talked about what we wanted to convey, what we wanted to say to the people who use our products every day; and we filmed it.

We did this to connect with our customers on another level, to thank them for their dedication and inspiration and spark new conversations. Our Success Specialists interact with our customers every day—but all of us here at Team Quore wanted a way to connect further. This felt like the most genuine way to feature the people who make up Team Quore, the humans who make the product and convey that we all sincerely care.
Sincerely, Staying Connected
Our team is made up of real people, some with messy handwriting, some with cluttered workspaces, some with dogs or kids stepping in as coworkers since many of us have been working from home. We know there have been many ups and downs these past few months—we know you’ve had hard days and lighter days. We have too.
Things are different now, sure. But we’re still here, and we’re still the same team we’ve always been, ready to help hotels succeed! We wanted to share this, not for recognition or attention, but to inspire others to take similar initiatives, to stay connected, to embody the spirit of hospitality and spread appreciation across our industry. Because that’s what our customers inspire us to do.
If you don’t already, connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to join in sharing what, or who, in our industry inspires you. By following #SincerelyQuore you’ll see just that from members of Team Quore.
So, from all of us, thank you to all of you who use, support and connect with Quore. Together, we’re creating smarter teams and happier guests—and motivating each other along the way.