What’s Good at Quore!
Team Quore has been hard at work helping hotels restore and continue operations. But we’ve also been taking time to rest and recuperate with our families, to focus on the positive and maintain balance in our lives. So here are some of the good, fun, random, exciting things we’ve been up to recently beyond working on our software!
Family Fun Times
Our Solution Architect Bryan Haddock just watched his daughter graduate high school. He’s excited for her future and glad their family was able to spend this time with her and see her in her cap and gown.
And the new family adventures keep rolling: our Success Manager Suzanne Perry has been spending some extra time with her son since he recently graduated college!
For the first time in almost 10 years, Success Specialist Collier Mathis was able to celebrate his mom’s Birthday and Father’s Day together with his family. That’s what we call a good thing!
Meanwhile, Front End Developer Caitlin Hawley has been preparing to welcome her baby girl into the world and into her life. She just got her two boys their own bunk beds so they can start working on her little girl’s nursery. We can’t wait to welcome another Team Quore baby!
Success Specialist Monique Steele loves her boys—but she’s looking forward to some quality self-care activities this summer since her sons will be spending their summer vacation in Florida with their grandparents. Her little ones are already taking full advantage of the summer sun, and Mo’s already getting her relaxation on in her off time.
Training Director Drew Smith watched his daughter perform in her first ever dance recital. She looked like a princess, and Drew and his family were thrilled to be able to share this moment with her and witness her excitement as she performed.
Director of People and Operations Jena Garrett witnessed her son learn how to swim recently, and her family is in the midst of a home remodel to truly make it their own. She also received a sweet kiss on the cheek from her boy without having to beg endlessly for it—progress!
Android Developer Phil Culver and his beautiful wife Shernell recently celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary! Congratulations to them for six years together.
Marketing Director Katie Adgent got to spend some time at the beach with her family recently to relax and unwind! We love this picture of her hugging her adorable nephew. We’ve missed her on our morning Marketing Zoom calls, but we’re so glad she got to unplug and take in the sea breeze—and some baby snuggles.
Little Rays of Sunshine

Designer Abby Dobbs got her first puppy during her time at home social distancing! Lucy is a shepherd mix with beautiful eyes and a heart of gold. Pretty much everyone at Team Quore would like her to come to the office for a visit once it’s safe to do so… but something tells us Chichi wouldn’t be too into that.
And the puppy train keeps rolling since our resident copywriter (hi, that’s me!) brought home a brand new brindle dachshund mix puppy this month!
Success Team Lead Allison Briggs reached one of her personal fitness milestones just this past weekend, with only three more milestones to go! She’s been working hard and taking care of herself through these last few months, and we’re so proud of her.
Account Manager Caroline Brannon caught a 7 foot shark! You read that right. She was out fishing for red snapper, but there were bigger fish to fry.