9 Things You Didn’t Know About Quore
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nine years since Quore’s founding, but you know what they say – time flies when you’re having fun! In celebration of Quore’s ninth birthday, here are nine things you probably didn’t know about us, but should!
#TeamQuore loves dad jokes!
We have a #quorefun slack channel dedicated to spreading humor and good cheer. Our team has a good sense of humor, so dad jokes make a frequent appearance. Here’s one of our favorites: Bigfoot is sometimes confused with Sasquatch… Yeti never complains.
We’ve gone global!
Quore is used in 4,400+ hotels in more than 35 countries. We’ve found so much success outside of the U.S. that a few years ago, we even opened up a UK office. Because we’re used in so many different countries, Quore is also a multilingual app: we speak 20+ languages so that all of our users can communicate effectively, no matter where in the world they reside.
ChiChi runs the show!
Our office dog, ChiChi, loves to voice her opinions! She follows our founder and CEO, Scott Schaedle, around the office every day and sits in on all of his meetings and she’s never shy about giving a loud bark if she has something to contribute!

We all go through Quorientation!
We love a good pun around here, so instead of having new employees go through “orientation” they go through “Quorientation.” Quorientation is a way for our new hires to learn the ins and outs of our app and the hospitality business. Our Director of Training, Drew Smith, has successfully led 25 cohorts through the process thus far! Although we have over 140 years of combined hotel experience in our company, not every employee has worked in a hotel before so we believe it’s crucial for them to understand how hotels operate, no matter which department they’re working in. Quore users can replicate their own “Quorientation” to a degree by utilizing Quore Learn!
Guests get priority…
…when it comes to notifications! When a hotel team member initiates a request in Quore – maybe it’s a Work Order or a request for more towels – they must also log whether a staff member or hotel guest is the one requesting it. Priority is given to all requests that come from hotel guests. Additionally, if the request is not completed promptly, Quore issues escalation alerts within the app so users won’t forget about it and can be sure to meet guest needs as quickly as possible.
We’re based near Music City!
Quore was created while our founder, Scott, was working at a local Franklin, TN hotel. Scott’s a Franklin native as well, so it only made sense for our company to reside there! Many of our employees live in Nashville and luckily it’s a quick commute from the city. Nashville is gaining in popularity as a technology hub these days and we couldn’t be more excited to be part of the #TechIntoNashville movement!

We’re a very spirited bunch!
At Quore, we love any excuse to get together and celebrate. Whether it’s the Quore Olympics or a good old fashioned Christmas celebration, #TeamQuore is always here for the party. This year, everyone went all-out on their costumes and treats for our Halloween party!
Users can get personal…
…with a profile picture in our app! Put a face to your name when you begin using Quore so other hotel team members can recognize you easily. It may seem like a small detail, but this helps Quore feel more personal for the entire hotel team. Everyone prefers speaking to a face over an avatar.
We’re just getting started!
Quore isn’t done innovating – we’ve got our eyes on the horizon and can’t wait to roll out new updates to our users in 2022. Check back in with us to see what’s new and what you can expect or sign up for our quarterly newsletter, The Q, to get all of our latest updates straight to your inbox.